Friday, 26 April 2019

New Annual Paschal Auto-biographical pg 5

At the Chapel, mid-week, I pray for more Adorers; I ask the Lord for more Chapels of Adoration. The hour I first believed, as the hymn goes, how precious did that grace appear: when I had the faith to accept Jesus was present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the Eucharist, in this Chapel it is, in the Monstrance, here I believed for the first time and was filled with such a sense of calm, of peace, of conviction. Christ the High Priest, had opened paradise, had finished a work in me, had put a bit of heaven in my soul. I’ve never felt such calm, peace, acceptance and assurance before or since. The Lord died - completed salvation’s plan, his work, the Consecrated.

Spy Wednesday ’19 What is really important? That we have a better life in heaven. That we have a better life. We could live for shopping. Lord knows we need things. Or the Wellness Centre; part of holiness is wholesome living. Too many live for the Casino in town or for the strip parlour – shamed to say I was there. Yes, we should be addicted to making life better for all. But one day it won’t be: who did what, but belief in who the Almighty is and what the Redeemer did for us.

Their Spirit will overshadow us. The Almighty will be favourable to us. His Spirit is goodness and mercy. The Son of God forgives our past; brings peace. He gives us that Spirit of Love. Which brings a future and a hope. Not just for that bright day in Glory. But right now, right in my town, my story. The power Who raised Jesus from the grave. Still has the power, us to save. The Spirit that comforts us in our loss. That’s what I’m talking about, God’s the boss. The Holy Three in One, rest in Him. Be yoked with Christ, easy burden, Light in Him. Jesus shared everything with us except sin. Which taken upon himself, the victory did win. So take up your cross, the Spirit brings life. And follow the Saviour won through the strife.
Easter ’19 So I’m sorry. The evidence is overwhelming. The Church has flourished. For a history of two thousand years. My personal experience, we could not do. What we do today, if the Divine Mercy. Was not real, if Jesus were not really alive. If the Spirit had not moved from the beginning. If the Creator’s grace were true, but not lived. If we performed our living for the Lord. And it was not in Him, through Him, and with Him. It would have been and entirely different story. The death devil has lost. The Lord of the living has won. The Lord is risen – He is risen indeed. Hosea 6:1-3 “Come, let us return to the Lord; for it is He who has torn, and He will heal us; He has struck down, and He will bind us up. After two day He will revive us; on the third day He will raise us up, that we may live before Him. Let us know, let us press on to know the Lord; His appearing is as sure as the dawn; He will come to us like the showers, like the spring rains that water the earth.”

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