Wednesday, 24 April 2019

New Annual Paschal Auto-biographical pg 3

St. Francis de Sales pray for us. I must not be smug. I must keep in mind it has only been by the grace of God I am spared being in a pit, hell, lake of fire. I may only boast in the mercy of God. Might I be indifferent to what is happening all around me? When one is in the presence of the Bread of the Presence, our Lady means to tell me, like being at a Wedding Feast, where the water is turned into wine, one must not be nonchalant. One may notice this shift in me, from careless to careful, from full of care to carefree. All Glory to You, Jesus. Thanks be to God. Blessed be God in His Angels and His Saints. All praise be to Him. He is my confidence, my old way is vanquished.                                                                                         St. Blaise pray for us. What else but Jesus Death is Celebrated for two millennium? Who else but Jesus has love we know and love for so long? All the Saints in glory have a date they went to Heaven. Their love, like a whirlwind, is Jesus love; sweep us away. Why else would people give, give, give, if there were no crucifixion? When would it matter if Love, had not come down from Heaven? We leave Jesus there on the Holy Cross, a reminder, forever. Where sins are forgiven and Mercy made a Way, where my soul found peace through grace. An amazing throng in the works of that Day.                                                                 10th Feb. ’19 As it turns out we find ourselves in family. As the Story goes we are adopted heirs of God. Jesus is our brother, his mother Mary therefore is ours. If we forsake our own family, or we never had any to begin with, or they have rejected us, or belong to a family that remained close, we find more family, become closer to our own, when we have fellowship among believers in Jesus, and Communion with the saints on earth and in heaven. All kinds of good Love exists among these believers. It is provision we have from our Father. In providence we have the love of Jesus our Friend. In love we have the friendship of their Holy Spirit, the Wisdom of the women of the Bible, the milk of human kindness.          Chapel – Ruth was David’s grandma. She left her homeland and idols, a widow, to follow and support her widowed mother-in-law. That’s love folks. Mary did not sin. She was full of grace. The Holy Spirit came upon her and remaining a virgin, she bore our Lord Jesus. Her prayers have more Wisdom, than any of ours could ever. Judith and Susanna are not mentioned in all Bibles but they were heroines filled with wisdom and grace who are in our Bibles. Wisdom is of God and referred to as her. Jesus said He wanted to protect Jerusalem like a hen protects the brood. It was Sr.’s life that got me here. God’s love is for all men. To be a man of God, with grace we love. Paul said in Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,                                                                            Skipping some notes on personal prayer and devotion, perhaps for now anyway. The tradition from Jesus and the early church is prayer and to be gathered together. The church “fathers” gave us many teachings. The mercy of God, when we like the first sinners, or as the Jews, rejected God’s love, is extended to cover my past evil, by the Blood pact of Jesus: grace. No matter how hopeless the case, how messy the past, forgiveness includes all. God calls us all by name. Come home!                                                                               24th Feb. ’19 So we are to be like God. We are to love, show mercy and be good to even our enemies. God redeemed us; we are to be good to all. Jesus, You know how much I expect to receive in return for everything I do. For dying on the Cross for us You gained nothing for Yourself. Help me to not count the cost. Bless everybody and pray for them. Never return evil for evil. Don’t worry about any debt to me. Do unto others … Do corporal and spiritual acts of mercy.                                                                                                                                  27th Feb. ’19 Chapel Thankfully: the Church, the World, is to be renewed.

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