Tuesday, 23 April 2019

New Annual Paschal Auto-biographical pg 2

You see all around me I see people suffering financially; physically, emotionally, mentally and whether they realize it or not, spiritually, as they follow the lie, this, that, or the other thing will improve upon their lives, or the way the world is now. They believe some other religion or plan, perhaps lack of religion or some regime or lack of such, will set them free, or bring a bit of joy into their lives: but it doesn’t, or it doesn’t last for long, or there are not very noticeable improvements to the way we live; without Christ, and our Church, or non at all. There is only one Way.                                                                               Epiphany – Did the Lord give me a family? Yes, a wife and a daughter was granted us. Did we have opportunity for a job, for travel, for a house and a vehicle? Yes, all these things and more. Eventually, if not at first, we were richly blessed both materially, and spiritually, in which lies our true happiness. I can spend hours just being thankful; before the Blessed Sacrament, in our Chapel of Adoration. It was here I first believed in the Real Presence of the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the form of Bread, in Exposition. I’ve only good memories now and could peacefully make plans for good.                                               9th Jan. ’19 I wish my wife and daughter would start to practice the Catholic faith. I almost wish I had become a priest. I don’t know when I’ll receive last rites, but I’m satisfied now, in the Way. I would that all I’ve even known would know the Way. All the material blessings I’d gladly trade if all who’ve known me would be more blessed spiritually. In what lies our true happiness: to know You, Jesus. Let me know Your love Jesus. Make me see You care for me. Show me the Way to You, Lord. Set me from my care, free. May I share with my world Christ. Will my life in You be? Amen.                                                                 10th Jan. ’19 For unless we have You Lord in the picture, as we turn down every different avenue of life: childhood, school, fledgling, on our own, romance, family, work, retirement, volunteering, what have you; like people want to have a picture in their desk top, or cell phone, and be connected, or stay connected to the internet, I want You Lord in the picture. I want You in my life at every turn, every intersection, on every highway and byway, every path I take on my pilgrimage. Then we’re not born into a world of grief and death is not woe, but more of You Jesus all the Way long. I want You in the picture, in focus, with maximum definition. Amen.                                                                                                                                  The Baptism ’19 We have many turning points in life. Certainly our Baptism is the most definitive. The Covenant is the blood pact: between God and Noah, Abraham, Jacob; Jonathon and David, Jesus and us. We are baptised into the family of God and put on Christ, like Jonathon and David exchanged robes. The Father promised to protect Adam’s progeny, and Christ’s, like they exchanged armaments. They exchanged belts and blood. The Spirit will remain with us, and guide us, as we choose directions, humble ourselves, in contrition, experience Conversion, and accept a new life, the new Covenant, in Blood. We are the Body and in the Blood, of Christ: we are in Communion – we have a new name, Christian.                                  16th Jan. ’19 Back to the Chapel. There; there are some blessed moments. Here, where the Lord presides. In silence, listen to the Word, of torrents, now, when a flood of good betides. And we can forever sit before the God, sent into the world to save. No, kneel in the Holy Presence. Adore the Deliver, of His goodness rave. He has raged against the demons. In Him, a new Covenant is made. We ourselves can do nothing. For by the Blood, our ransom’s paid. Holy Bread came down from Heaven, Eucharist, our priceless Peace, we must bow before You in our monstrance. May our praise never cease, for only You set us free. Merciful and just to us sinners, thankful for Your grace and mercy, ever always worship be.

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