Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Continuation of Reason without no Rhyme

from St. Athanasius Day yesterday morning
   Sure why should You, Holy Spirit, be with me, so close a friend; with my spirit: when I am so fickle a friend. So You give me words to say, so I express myself - defend our love. There is no rhyme to it for it is beyond reason, a continuation of reason without no rhyme, without reason. It is, it has become my esse. You are the Esse, the Existence, proceeding from the Creator and the Son of God, co-eternal, You simply are, Holy Lord. You, Who are, not what is, but most comparable to a mother, or Wisdom, sevenfold grace, exist in my life.
   Yet You consign Yourself to this beleaguered soul. Bridegroom of the Mother of God, who has done everything for us, You wish to be united to this poor one. I'd just say leave us alone in our misery and pride but You say defend poor spirits and boast in a crucifix. I'd remind You how I was taught and thought the symbols of our religion were just that but You say the Saints themselves teach the Faith comes with a struggle. This unbroken line of beyond reason thought comes with the Bride, the Church united to Christ Himself. Our very essence, our existence has changed.
   And it goes beyond all that is reasonable, no mere dress up Christianity.  This stage we're on now, all the World here take part in the unfolding mystery of love, You, Father have for Your Creation, You, Jesus have, for Your brothers and sisters, for Your Abba; You Spirit have. Recreating the World and all that is in it is an act of love, an act I want to get into, though I Confess my inability and inadequacy for the role, yes, but yes, we play from the Heart. It is the Sacred Heart, our lead, and the Immaculate, our leading lady, with this Abba, producer, You direct, Spirit.
   This is the way to peace. Get yourself to a priest. Be part, take part in the Church, in fifth month, whatever month we're in now, in the second decade 'seventeen, or any Year, in the third millennium now, this twenty-first century, anyway, here on Earth, this Church, two thousand years old, but still modern, make your peace in it, enter into it. Be a part of the peace and joy brought to the World, making peace and justice from development and peace, between all our brothers and sisters; between God and man. Peace and love, yes, but in the Spirit of Peace.

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