Monday, 20 November 2017

from yesterday

Love and Devotion
bigger than an ocean
You had for me may I have some for Thee.

Mary chose the better part
The poor are close to Your Heart
Who is unborn in me
might I conceive in dignity,
could they so live their life long
should I live to sing this song.

One wants to end poverty.
One wants to stop ending life.
Another wants to kill liberty.
Who with me needs to end strife?
Can I do my part everyday,

show I care for all in all?
Follow Christ the only Way
to the Creator; no gall.
Love and devotion, wider than the sea:
send Your Spirit Lord on humanity!

Sunday, 19 November 2017

from the seventies

November Snowfall

The birds in the forest

See the trees

And the forest.

This is more than a man!

An early snowfall,

Silently in the night,

Carpets the wood, clean and white.

The woodpecker calls,


Wake up sleepy forest.

The bears say, “We want sleep.”

The squirrels say, “We have stored for winter.”

In the city
Everything is confusion.

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Wheel of Fortune's Inspiring

Rolling, roaring, in the Lord there's recovery
Sailing, saving, for the Christ they're searching
Teaming, teaching, with our Jesus we're telling

Learning, leaning, on the Spirit; Its leading
Knowing, needing, of the Ghost: Wisdom's new
Earning, everlasting, Holy Spirit You're extreme

Praying, planning, from Father, He's paid
Giving, granting, through God; Him great
Adoring, admiring, with Abba His amore

Delivering, developing, the Godhead, They've depth
Vivifying, vitalizing, Three-In-One: Love vrooms
Baptizing, branching out Triune, Love's brand

Catholic freedom having in more of quiet understanding what X's your zeal.

Thursday, 9 November 2017

What I'm asking for this year

When the whole Earth is at peace
It is Christmas all over the world
The war between angels and demons cease
Christ's banner of peace is unfurled

The kid will not fear the tigress
The biosphere will be in harmony
No illness nor pain to regress
Not a soul will need alimony

An end to death and sorrow Satan's curse
Them dry bones will take on flesh
Not a day with an empty purse
The planets resources are shared wealth

Jesus walks again with humans
And equity is among all nations
Love today originate from a man
Obedience fiat come from woman

Thursday, 2 November 2017


Lord we need a strong Deliverer
There is so much hatred and there's greed
Like Moses freed the slaves from the oppressors
Wont You come Lord come and meet our need

Lord we need a mighty Saviour
It is so hard for us hard to love
Jesus of Galilee You were the Stranger
You came as a babe the difficult to save

Some say the Messiah is coming
Some say the Prophet already came
Some say our profits are declining
Some say no enjoy the boom
Abuse and violence are spreading
Crisis and disasters do loom

But You Christ are Friend to sinners
You come to us to make Your home
We are lost if not You're returning
Because we roam You were born in Bethlehem

Sunday, 17 September 2017

from The Triumph of the Cross' Thursday

Where have all the passionate people gone
We've gone to grind our own axe
Why do all the colours fade
The devils we take our due tax
When were our Confessions going to last
Our Confessors are shamed to death
Who are the Saints of today
We no longer need the slaves of Japheth
What are you doing to deserve the good life
Cruising down the avenue
Way of the Cross lead us to home
Heart of Jesus shed Light on Life new
Why not lead new life from today on
Now has come to us Salvation
Here is any to hear and understand
It is by the Cross we have redemption

Sunday, 3 September 2017

Starting Over

I'm starting a new life,
A new phase of a new life,
New beginnings, no craze:
The rest of my life in Christ.

Many times my life was made anew
In Him Who makes all things new;
This phase is just called retirement.
Call it old age but it's part of new life.

I hope it will be a new lease on life,
Nothing I can get really excited about,
No need to get depressed about it either,
God knows how long it will last.

Jesus grants grace to live each day.
We still build on a past He shall renew.
His Covenant of Blood pours every day,
Is a fresh slate - the old made new.

Monday, 24 July 2017

St. Sharbel Makhluf's Monday

Come to the spring of living water:
Come and drink; don't need your money!
Come sign a contract of blood.
Come to the Chalice of precious blood.

God kept His Covenant - gave water from Rock.
He honoured the Covenant - changed water to wine.
Wisdom, a New Covenant - new Life in Him.
Spirit flowing, makes all things new.

This is the new deal, the real deal, a deal.
All the darkness, the evil, the sin
Comes to Light, changed to goodness, good
Refreshes, satisfies, slakes and relieves.

Whatever caused you to miss the mark?
Whoever you are you qualify.
Wherever you go, whenever you get there
Purchase why not Bread without money.

Monday, 22 May 2017

Victoria long weekend

By the sea
by the sea
by the sea
we were sent
into all the World.

Drop your nets
drop your nets
drop you nets
for an amazing catch
fishers of men.

Be baptised
be baptised
be baptised
in the Name
of the Father, Son and Ghost.

Enter in
enter in
enter in
the Mass
after Reconciliation.

Be Confirmed
be Confirmed
be Confirmed
with a living flame.
Fill you hearts.

By the beach
by the beach
by the beach
on the hill
Christ went into the Heavens.

In the same
in the same
in the same
way we'll see
Jesus come again.

Be ready
be ready
be ready
watch and pray
for the night is not long away.

But the dawn
but the dawn
but the dawn
will break on us all
and shine in the darkness.

In the dark
in the dark
in the dark
of death
we are lead to peace.

with me, God.
Rejoice in our Saviour.

Mercy on
mercy on
mercy on
every one
all generations.

Lifted up
lifted up
lifted up
are lowly,
hungry. Filled and blessed.

Cross over
cross over
cross over
on dry land
bound for the promised land.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

What is our Joy?

What is our joy?
When we first believed
Oh what peace there
In the Chapel I adored

I was middle aged
Before I had the Faith
To see Jesus was
The Bread of Life

The Spirit opened
My eyes were blind
Now Christ lives again
Father is behind

Each time Host is God
The Eucharist
To be adored
For consumerist

Why we crave more
More of the I Am
To be united
Married to the Lamb

Only at the Mass
In Holy Communion
And Adoration
We have such union

The Master's everywhere
At God's right hand
From Age to Age
Presence understand

The Bread of Life
He can save you
He ends your strife
He will heal you

Not just existence
God became Man
He is our essence
In forms of Wine

And Bread our Esse
We don't just exist
We live with Hope
With Eucharist!

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Continuation of Reason without no Rhyme

from St. Athanasius Day yesterday morning
   Sure why should You, Holy Spirit, be with me, so close a friend; with my spirit: when I am so fickle a friend. So You give me words to say, so I express myself - defend our love. There is no rhyme to it for it is beyond reason, a continuation of reason without no rhyme, without reason. It is, it has become my esse. You are the Esse, the Existence, proceeding from the Creator and the Son of God, co-eternal, You simply are, Holy Lord. You, Who are, not what is, but most comparable to a mother, or Wisdom, sevenfold grace, exist in my life.
   Yet You consign Yourself to this beleaguered soul. Bridegroom of the Mother of God, who has done everything for us, You wish to be united to this poor one. I'd just say leave us alone in our misery and pride but You say defend poor spirits and boast in a crucifix. I'd remind You how I was taught and thought the symbols of our religion were just that but You say the Saints themselves teach the Faith comes with a struggle. This unbroken line of beyond reason thought comes with the Bride, the Church united to Christ Himself. Our very essence, our existence has changed.
   And it goes beyond all that is reasonable, no mere dress up Christianity.  This stage we're on now, all the World here take part in the unfolding mystery of love, You, Father have for Your Creation, You, Jesus have, for Your brothers and sisters, for Your Abba; You Spirit have. Recreating the World and all that is in it is an act of love, an act I want to get into, though I Confess my inability and inadequacy for the role, yes, but yes, we play from the Heart. It is the Sacred Heart, our lead, and the Immaculate, our leading lady, with this Abba, producer, You direct, Spirit.
   This is the way to peace. Get yourself to a priest. Be part, take part in the Church, in fifth month, whatever month we're in now, in the second decade 'seventeen, or any Year, in the third millennium now, this twenty-first century, anyway, here on Earth, this Church, two thousand years old, but still modern, make your peace in it, enter into it. Be a part of the peace and joy brought to the World, making peace and justice from development and peace, between all our brothers and sisters; between God and man. Peace and love, yes, but in the Spirit of Peace.

Monday, 17 April 2017

Rhyme and Reason

Do you just see the bling blang?
I love sacramentals - live in art true!
Are our prayers long, repetitive and unheard?
We love Our Mother; beyond the blue.
We adore and worship Christ's Body.
To us it doesn't remain just Bread.
T'is the Covenant in Blood from the Cross
Which we venerate. Communion is remembered.
Do you have the Hope of Glory?
We all need Purgatory
Is celibacy to be forsaken?
From Jesus come apostolic tradition
Clean from St. Peter to Pope Francis.
Another church is a division.
Gates of Hell will not prevail.
In the Spirit I make presentation.
Afraid to Confess to a priest?
He'll grant Reconciliation to God!
Do I not have my own mind?
When everything feels right Church laud!
Where I'm happy, loved, fit, have purpose.
I'm not tossed on the waves.
Will you join in the resurrection?
Mystery - God loves me, miracle - Jesus saves.
Do we remember those gone before?
Is it by this or that alone faith?
By alone version, interpretation, translation
Or teaching universal united Faith?
Do you practice lectio divina
To put yourself right in Scripture?
Right: me and Jesus sounds okay.
Christ in the Church is the bigger picture!

Monday, 10 April 2017

after the triumphant entry

So what happens after the triumphant entry of Palm Sunday? Business is booming again the Temple: is that when, Jesus, You overturned the tables of Jerusalem's economy? You snuck in and snuck out more than once. We sure feel we are pussy footing around the terrorists, the atheists and the liberals out to get us. What was in the mind of John? The incident is almost his first report. What was in Judas mind? Others thought You were the one to rid us of our enslavement to authorities at this time. Is that what Simon the Zealot thought? Simon the Rock would follow You to the grave he thought. Desert never! Thos the Twin will doubt the Way, even though he'd said let us die with You. Phil needed to see the Father too. Matt must have been glad he'd left his tax table and remembers now a lot of parable teaching on financial prudence like cramming for a final. Others wanted to place well in Your Kingdom. More than one woman wanted to anoint You already.You promised the Spirit of God. The fish had had in its mouth the coin to pay the temple tax. A widow had lost and found an important coin. But a coin had on one side the image of authority to which tribute due. However the widow gave her last coin to Your treasury. What is going on in my mind? Triumphal business, go for the glory, is much more appealing than suffering and death. Am I ready to take up my cross this morning? Do I have Prudence? Am I ready for Your return? Do I see in the Creator's face the plan for this Earth? Does the Spirit flow though me, am I a fruitful branch on the Vine? We know how You died and rose again. You did not set up Your Kingdom on Earth. The Father's will must be done. We only have to ask for the Holy Spirit and Wisdom, She comes. The Lord bestows the strength to pass the test they throw at us. If we tend Your garden it will bloom. If we are wise stewards, love and virtue will prosper. You will not leave us in limbo.

Friday, 24 March 2017

Natural Delights

I used to like the sunset
Now I love the sunrise
I used to listen for the owl
Now I hear with intent the robin
I used to walk a mutt
Now the pure black squirrels are friends
I like the lap of water waves
I am a babbling brook
I love the clean look of snow
But better when Spring bursts forth
Best when tall vegetation sways in the breeze
Nice when the wind howls
I like when I see a silver lining
I love all the night sky
I like the freshness of the morning dew
I love to see Him in the gloaming
So vast is His creation
Our tastes in nature change
I'm settled on all He provides
I'm satisfied God prevails

Sunday, 15 January 2017

a la Beethoven

Ode of Joy
Great peace - great joy; what love:
what joy. What peace today? Who do
you love?
When You see us where we gather
You have great joy o King Divine
Grant us peace in Your Wisdom Lord and
May we share Your love great Vine.
May we bear fruit and give You joy
And share in that joy which You give
Then we partake Your wedding Feast
There with the Sts. live joy joy live.
On forever joy will increase here!
Joy upon joy woven to us now.