bits collected from: St. Norbert Day
’13, June 6th, Holiday Inn, Montreal;
a litany of our very human Hope
Jesus my Heart
Body of promise
Blood Whom art my rescue
Soul my sanity
Divinity of peace
Abba our transport
Father of inspiration
Dad of wonder
Origin of grace
Spirit so grand
Holy One comfort
Ghost giver of wisdom
Triune by our side
Magnificent healer
Demons out caster
Most generous friend
Constant companion
Dearest delight
Fairest judge
Here ‘till the end
cont. on Sacred Heart Day ’13, June 7th
on the pilgrimage
Banquet secured
Rock solid
Mystery known
and 1st Martyrs of Rome
Day ’13, June 30th, University Residence, Corner Brook
Reassurance of victory
Sanctity of sleep
Companion of travellers
Wealth of the poor
Benefactor of needy
Dominion of security
Gracious friend
Benevolent authority
Reliable friend
Eternal grace
’13, Sept. 5th, back at
Have mercy on us and bless us Amen,
Bless us, be with us, stay with us
Holy Lord, Holy Daddy, Holy Spirit, in fill us and illumine us this day we ask
in the Holy Name of Jesus Amen.
Labour Day in honour of St. Joseph,
provide ’13, Sept. 2nd
Master Spirit, Master Lord, Master
Daddy, Triune God help me this day to not be too bogged down with its
challenges to dwell on failures or be too elated with the success of the day to
always return thanks to You for needed resources. It’s not a contest, test or
trial but a gift from You, a present to be unwrapped and enjoyed. To be a part
of Your life, death and resurrection, to be celebrated, in its living: with Holy
Communion; it’s with happiness and thanksgiving Amen. Forgive us Triune God for
when we’ve let You down, been found wanting, not lived up to our name, or
returned you love. May we seek Your forgiveness each time we’ve lost, failed,
or been ruled against today. But too, may we seek Your success, others gain and
Confess when we seek our own profit. May we be free from Mortal sin and
forgiving others, be forgiven, by partaking of the Blessed Sacrament, in the
name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost Amen. May we be proud of the
name Catholic and live up to the name, to our Baptism, empowered by the gift of
the Spirit received then and at Confirmation Amen. May I love my wife today,
honour the priesthood and receive Last Rites should the need arise Amen.
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