Sunday, 24 June 2018

7 thoughts gleaned from night lacking sleep

Religion's not really strange but belief in the Triune is truly full of wonder.
You can believe what you like but you may not be happy without Jesus' Body.
There seems like there is a lot to understand in Catholicism but if you appreciate humble Mary was the Mother of God it puts it in perspective.
Anybody can make sacrifices for humanity or their religion, but the faith on its own without uniting one's self to the sacrifices symbolized by a crucifix, will not renew us.
To be replenished we must drain the cup of the Blood of the pact Christ made between the Father and us; for in Jesus, with Him, and through Him we have our being.
There is so much mercy: God's Spirit can put entirely right a World that has gone so terribly wrong as hard as that is to believe. So much mercy should bring tears to our eyes and we should accept it as a way of life.
It is far better to realize the Master is the Truth and stay in His Way as young.

Friday, 8 June 2018

from this week, one from the Chapel, one from home

Corpus Christi
   Ancient symbols, wondrous signs, new horizon's, the past's left behind.
We ascend on high, nothing left below, Fish and Pax, the Bread of Show.
Now our Glory, no regrets, health and strength, He forgets.
Come to the Altar, the world wide Church of God;
Join in Communion, give thanks at the front.
No Way to be closer in relationship to Him,
His Feast is Worship, all Praise to Him.
We are saved, sanctified, Blood washed, Bread of Angels consumed.
Sinners saved by grace His sacrifice given, hunger no more, this surety of Heaven.
Jesus, no other Name, we partake of You, the Real Presence, Body, the Soul, You!
Sacred Heart
   O Sacred Heart Love Divine
We partake of You at Mass each time
Lile a husband loves his beloved bride
As the Father's love for His Only Son
Your Spirit's Love fills each and everyone
May we have that love for one and all
You our brother man's brotherhood fill
When Children of Eve's lance pierced Your Heart
And that Love every sin forgave
That love we need to rise up again
So we need to see You in Confession
As tell our brother Father our sin
And beg God's pardon, Penance and Absolution
The slate's wiped clean we begin again
With hearts clean in Your Sacred Heart
As parents love their special child
The Father loves us created in Him
Like a Mother gathers he brood