Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Christmas Morn

Everything will be alright.
It's Christmas morning.
We did not find a room at the Inn,
But we found some manger hay.

We had a sweat
Before the Baby came.
We come from far away
And we rest with Him today.

We had a fright last night
Until the angel assured us.
We'd leave our flocks
But we would find!

We'd sure use the Good News.
We'll find the Christ Child,
The Son of Mary;
He will please us.

His star we wondered at last night.
This long foretold of Saviour.
We followed it for days.
Here is where it did lead us.

And now we have gifts to share:
To present before our Prophet, Priest and King,
We have for our Sovereign some financial resourcing,
To our greatest intercessor we bring our humble prayer,
To Jesus, who gave this Life, that we would see our Way.

Sunday, 2 December 2018

Christmas Wish

When the whole Earth is at peace.
It is Christmas all over the World.
The was between angels and demons cease.
Christ's banner of peace is unfurled.
The kid will not fear the tigress.
The biosphere will be in harmony.
No illness nor pain to regress.
Not a soul will need alimony.
An end to death and sorrow, Satan's curse.
Them dry bones will take on flesh.
Not a day with an empty purse.
The planet's resources are shared wealth.
Jesus walks again with humans
and equity is among all nations.
Love today originate from a man.
Obedience, fiat, come from woman.

Sunday, 30 September 2018

St. Jerome's Sun.; Gal. 6:2-10

My purchase - We are all called to be prophet's. But we might only share what God has done for us, with whatever graces the Spirit has mercifully lavished on us. There is one Spirit, one Baptism, however: different abilities, different ethnics, different churches, and different personalities, from which we may draw resources; appreciating, not critical of our share.
My prayer - Thank You Jesus for the family of God. May I always share with You and my Confessor for spiritual progress. Help me not point my finger at others for their deficiency or worry about mine in comparison.
My plan - Carry my own cross. Help others'! Only glory in the Cross. Sow spiritual seeds. Don't sow seeds of worldliness.

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Truly Sustains

There is a truth that has bee true in the past, forever, and more will be.
Jesus is Lord of the World, space, and time, and Lord of me!
If you think this amazing fact is if false news, His Spirit will set you straight.
Yes, those Churchy people are not out to lunch; not even they who think Mary great.

Our Father made the Universe good: not an evil drug in the plan.
Our doubt He would feed us and quench our thirst comes from demons and man.
Ask for sign. Miracles abound. Believe in Christ, Him.
Christ is Lord. Christ is True Bread. Drink the Blood. Take Him.

on St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe's Tue. at home

Monday, 2 July 2018

from Sts. Peter & Paul's Fri.

Lord Jesus Your hand has written on every page of history.
Your reappearance best witnessed by St. Peter & Paul.
Blessed Jesus from Creation to the end of our story;
You have intricately woven, throughout the tapestry of us all.

Christ Jesus: such blessed, great, and chaste men and women,
have made a change so profound in society,
Friend Jesus, we revere You through them.
They lived and died to glorify the Heavenly City.

Divine Jesus so present in our lives,
may we give glory to Your Name with our love.

Sunday, 24 June 2018

7 thoughts gleaned from night lacking sleep

Religion's not really strange but belief in the Triune is truly full of wonder.
You can believe what you like but you may not be happy without Jesus' Body.
There seems like there is a lot to understand in Catholicism but if you appreciate humble Mary was the Mother of God it puts it in perspective.
Anybody can make sacrifices for humanity or their religion, but the faith on its own without uniting one's self to the sacrifices symbolized by a crucifix, will not renew us.
To be replenished we must drain the cup of the Blood of the pact Christ made between the Father and us; for in Jesus, with Him, and through Him we have our being.
There is so much mercy: God's Spirit can put entirely right a World that has gone so terribly wrong as hard as that is to believe. So much mercy should bring tears to our eyes and we should accept it as a way of life.
It is far better to realize the Master is the Truth and stay in His Way as young.

Friday, 8 June 2018

from this week, one from the Chapel, one from home

Corpus Christi
   Ancient symbols, wondrous signs, new horizon's, the past's left behind.
We ascend on high, nothing left below, Fish and Pax, the Bread of Show.
Now our Glory, no regrets, health and strength, He forgets.
Come to the Altar, the world wide Church of God;
Join in Communion, give thanks at the front.
No Way to be closer in relationship to Him,
His Feast is Worship, all Praise to Him.
We are saved, sanctified, Blood washed, Bread of Angels consumed.
Sinners saved by grace His sacrifice given, hunger no more, this surety of Heaven.
Jesus, no other Name, we partake of You, the Real Presence, Body, the Soul, You!
Sacred Heart
   O Sacred Heart Love Divine
We partake of You at Mass each time
Lile a husband loves his beloved bride
As the Father's love for His Only Son
Your Spirit's Love fills each and everyone
May we have that love for one and all
You our brother man's brotherhood fill
When Children of Eve's lance pierced Your Heart
And that Love every sin forgave
That love we need to rise up again
So we need to see You in Confession
As tell our brother Father our sin
And beg God's pardon, Penance and Absolution
The slate's wiped clean we begin again
With hearts clean in Your Sacred Heart
As parents love their special child
The Father loves us created in Him
Like a Mother gathers he brood

Sunday, 27 May 2018

Trinity Sunday

Trust in the Saviour
The Beautiful Redeemer
Love our Deliverer
My Jesus, my Lord

The Spirit sets my life on true
It's the master of all of us
Our Consoler none other do
Holy Fire from above

Father in majesty
Giver of all destiny
Source of love and mercy
Fair Judge of us who live

Triune with splendor
Showing perfect Unity
Son, Spirit and Father
Teach us to love

from Tue., 16th May '18, Chapel

Monday, 9 April 2018


I am not God.
It is taking a long time for us to learn this.
God is in power. Not the conservatives, not the liberals, non other god is in power.
There is a difference, the Lord of Life has taught us, between mercifully helping others and trying to control.
But God is in control.
God has placed others in positions of control over us.
The Lord is coming again for me.
He expects me to serve others as He has done.

Through His power I yield to Him.
I yield to His control.
In Him and with Him I am in control.
I have peace with Him.
The Lord of Life I see.
Living in poverty, serving humanity, giving us all a second chance, giving us His Life, Baptism, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity; but coming again for us.
All control will cease on day.
We wont need the Sun in Heaven. There is only one Power, the Son.
See Jesus in the clouds. Right now He is waiting for us.
Waiting for us to be under control.

Sunday, 25 March 2018

The True

Your Word everlasting
Us to heaven avasting
Returning to You not void
Piercing marrow and joint

A Light on our pathway
A treasure in our hearts say
Use in teaching instruction
Feasting on You luncheon

Stay close by my good side
On my lips and my inside
Wash way all my badness
You fill me with gladness
In You we confide
Good counselor new good rush tide

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

I Want to Have Fun, Fun, Fun!

Let the rafters be rung, rung, rung!
But Lent means Spring, spring, spring!
into giving, giving, giving;!
devote living, living, living!
And winter is bleak, bleak, bleak!
I need a break, break, break!
Or what does it mean I desire
not sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice?!
Make my heart contrite!
I will do Penance, penance, Penance.
I offer thanks, thanks, thanks!
From steeples ringing, ringing, ringing:!
Thanksgiving, thanksgiving, thanksgiving!
Christ, paid the price, price, price!
So I sing thrice, thrice, thrice!
a fast is nice, nice, nice!
Thaws the ice, ice, ice!!!