Sing Ye Heavens - Angelic
Voices proclaim God has
visited his People; Praise His Holy
Name, God is with us, his Glory
profess. Confess Him Lord of our
life. He is always the same: Saves
us in weakness, Speaks to our
distress, Offer Him fame. He's
given us peace. Rules from
Heaven, the manger, the cross,
Ruler of all, guide of the lost.
Find us salvation. We come to
do Your will. Strengthen
our Doors; Your mercy
renew. Give to the King all
that is due. Tribute, everything,
holiness render. Our best,
our hearts, our thinking is
our Triune's!
Great God of Peace Lord from a
stable of Bethlehem: On a
night so peaceful and calm;
In the still of my heart clean
from it all the noise the World
has. Make a place worthy of
so noble a birth. Create new
life in the void of my earthly
craving. Thanks be to Jesus
for such a wonderful gift.
Thank You Father for
sending Your only begotten
Son. In thankful praise to the
Spirit that proceeds from Them
both may we tenderly worship
so awesome a Triune and
take onward thanksgiving and joy.
Once upon a tree on Calvary
Hung a man of lowly birth
Hailed King of the Jews
But really King of the Earth
Right from his humble beginnings
Kings from the East worshipped him.
He was the King of Heaven come down.
A King Herod with terror drove
The holy family from that town
To Egypt, where God called this King;
The King Herod II dismissed our King
For the fate of Easter morn:
Rose from the dead, forgave
Our sin, ascended back above,
King Immanuel conquered evil!
King for eternity is to return
To take the flock from death
To life ever more. Shepherds too
Worshipped their King born. Angels sang
Peace on Earth, God will - the score.