Monday, 21 September 2015

I love to tell the story; the rest of the story.

I love to tell the rest of the story!
Paul Harvey and Paul Harvey jr. have the knack of telling the rest of the story. In the song are the words I love to tell the story. When I was a boy I learned the story of Jesus, who is God and man, died for my sins 2000 yrs. ago, but forgave me, rose again from the dead or loves me enough to do all this for me as my friend. I was a WASP and belligerent. But I tried to live as a Christian Free Methodist. They are a strict Evangelical church which was nicknamed Holy Rollers. I had an issue with self-love, started smoking, drinking and having other addictive behaviour. I became an agnostic and had psychiatric issues too. I tried to seek the Father again but made slow progress. I was still a hypocrite by the time I was 50. But the story does not end there.
Through the Roman Catholic Faith I discovered our attempts to seek the Holy Spirit is nothing compared to how we are sought by God. I was Baptised into new life, really born again, Confirmed and sealed with the Holy Spirit. The Father welcomed the prodigal son home. It was not the day I was born again that made the difference but frequently availing the Sacrament of Conversion does. Christ’s body was not just symbolised by bread at communion but Jesus: Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity is present in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. It was no longer just me and Jesus for it but Christ and us in union with the Church. The history we were taught was not the truth I know now. King Henry VIII was not fit to be head of the church, the Pope is. Calvin was not justified, St. John of the Cross was. Martin Luther didn’t improve the church, St. Teresa of Avila did. The Wesleys were not heroes of the faith, St. Alphonsus Liguori and St. Junipero Serra are. My spiritual heritage did not come from Bs. Fairburn and Bs. Roberts but comes from St. John Henry Newman and St. Therese di Lisieux.
               I’m afraid my Protestant brothers and sisters don’t know the rest of the story. We both love to tell the story, but I love to tell the rest of the story.

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Sept. '15, 6th

To Be Perfectly Politically Correct
   People are paranoid about sin: it is common: all do it, except Jesus and Mary, even Joseph, though we don't know what, did it at some point of his life. Its commonality in no way makes it attractive however, that is one of its lures. People that are hooked or just now attracted to the bait here leave the ideas of the phobic behind. Christ did not condemn the sinner is the message we want you to hear then. There is forgiveness and Conversion - our only reaction to sin need be our rejection of it.  All fear and hate is gone. Once you are convinced it is wrong, remember you did it, forget about it, forgive people, forgive. Our Lord saves. He wants us to catch sinners too. Love is His net. I am caught so I am free from sin. Salvation comes from Him. We need not be afraid. That our Maker and our Judge has no memory of our sin - those people who dwell on it are wrong. " so have no fear of them; for nothing is covered up ... fear him who can destroy both soul and body. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? ... but whoever denies me before others, I will also deny before my Father in heaven. " Matt. 10:26-33 - the words of the Master NRSV