Wednesday, 21 August 2013

paragraph on unification and a verse

Open up the gates to me

That eternity I see

Mary said you know I did

To my Son you I bid


Open the portholes for me wide

That I might cling to the Wounded Side

Jesus said you know you may

I am you take Amen you say


Open a door that I may be blessed

Be a one whom enters the rest

The creator said come into mine

The family of God is now thine


Open the entrance to everlasting peace

To all that praise may never cease

You know the Spirit says come

Feast with the Bridegroom forever home


Open a turnpike Way to Heaven

So all may take “the slow train comin’”

Hear the Triune God say

Join up take part enter in the Way



            What would it take for Orthodox and Roman Catholics to be one Church of God again? Isn’t it a shame that Catholics and Protestants, including myself, make repeated references to our differences and fail to think only about what we have in common as pilgrims of the Master; Whom we both call Lord? We are quick to think about those we think in another camp as unable to answer many questions beginning with: why do you…? when we haven’t any answers ourselves to their questions. We feel we need not try and help someone to see our side and we are not really on opposite sides in the first place. We both believe in heaven but do we think there is one heaven we will see each other in one day? I believe in angels who see the Father eyes and long to see us see eye to eye. The Saints in Glory and those with the gift of prophesy here below found the Triune One; we all call in brotherly or sisterly love upon Him. Any lack there of, before a final judgement, which we all in Christendom hold to coming, separates us from our God and from one and other.

See: Luke 12:48-52, John 7:39-44, I Cor. 1:9-11;3:1-3;11:17-19, Titus 3:9-11, Jude 1:18-20 for warnings on “division” & Deut. 33:46, Joshua 11:1-3, Judges 20:10-12, II Sam. 5:5-7, I Mac. 2:41-44, Col. 2:1-3, Heb. 4:1-3 and Acts 1:14;2:1 for “united” references. United with Mary for prayer was the early church before Pentecost. Find places in the Bible where the advantage is to be “joined”: II Kings 23:2-4, Ezra 6:21, Neh. 11:35-:36, Judith 14:9-11, Esther 9:27, I Mac. 3:1-11;11:72-74, II Mac. 8:22-24;13:11-13, Ecclesiastes 9:3-5, Acts 17:4,34, Eph. 2:20-22;4:15-17. And let’s not forget “Whoever is not against us is for us.” Mark 9:40. In the Roman Catholic Catechism: 789-11, 2305-111 and 542-111 there is further reference.