Friday, 8 February 2013

For the First Fruits

For the first fruits of our labour
is a peaceful calm
no more belligerant behaviour
humility is our alms
we offer to Jesus
courage for our hope
for too we have faith with Mary
we set no limits on our scope

we worship now in Spirit
for in truth here we know
our lives have merit
we have something to show
for our pilgrim's progress
for the battle rageth on
we need not always digress
our wantonness is gone

now we are drunk with Holy
Spirit from our Dad
God the Father solely
and the Beloved Lad
with the Holy Spirit
now we can cope
now we shall win it
our life has hope

Our hope is in Jesus
our brother and our Pasch
our friend through Mary
we don't just mask
our worries St. Joseph
take to your babe's throne
from the heart reapeth
a new lease we own

not to appear changist
there is inward change
we have Eucharist
our thoughts rearange
we tell a story
for a world to be
Christ child come in glory
for our eternity