Waiting on
the Lord
time of the year we are reminded that 40 days after Easter, Christ ascended
into heaven. And so we are waiting for him to come again. And 50 days after
Jesus rose from the dead, the Holy Spirit, who the Disciples were told to go to
Jerusalem to wait for there, descended upon them at the Feast of Pentecost,
which is this Sunday. We are told more than once in the Bible to wait upon the
Lord. The Israelite had to wait in the desert for the Promised Land. We have to
wait until Paradise to be with our Creator.
If we want to make spiritual progress,
we have to wait on the Lord. We need to wait in prayer. And God is waiting for
us. He is like a father of a prodigal son, waiting for him to come home. If you
have ever been in a stressed relationship, there is a period of time that you
are waiting on a mate to be reconciled. It may be that they have been waiting
for you too at some time. To me, that is what waiting on the Lord is like.
Yesterday was not only
Ascension Sunday in Canada, although in the USA you may have celebrated it on
Thursday, it was also Communications Sunday for Roman Catholics. Our Fr. John
said in the homily that when the Lord died, it was much worse than having your
cell phone taken away by a parent, for the Apostles. Or it was much worse for
the first parents when they were exiled from Paradise. And it will be even
worse for us if we don’t go there when we die. But for 2000 years we have had
the Living Word among us.
And now the Lord sits
at the right hand of the Father to intercede for us. The more time we
communicate with God, at work, home or at Mass, the more spiritual progress we
make. Communication networks can be used for great good or great evil. The Pope
admonishes us to use technology for great good. Many take the evils of
pornography, threats, hate, bullying, drugs and weapons sales for granted in cyberspace.
May the Lord bless my use of the internet and may God forgive me for any time I
have misused it.
Happy 24 Holiday, if you are celebrating this weekend in the