Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Just Jesus Story

Oh that one day I'll see God's face I could have been homeless In Christ's house I've found a place That's my story just Jesus nothing less Oh that one day I'll walk the streets of gold I could have been a pot head Now I must pray see others told That's my story our daily Bread Now is the day to live up to my Baptism I could have been an abortion I have the Mother's love by marianism That's the Master's story the Lord's creation I could have been anything But by the story of our King I'm everything

Friday, 12 July 2024

Saviour Will Provide

How will we recreate; What the Devil does obliterate? In God’s love we’ll abide! I will seek God’s face. And incur God’s grace: The Saviour doth provide, What’s lost by technology, The waste of biology; God makes no evil drug. Rather we’ve the favour Of our Lord and Saviour. Nothing swept under the rug. Pray for restorations Of the lost generations. God’s will be done. For we are blessed And seek God’s rest: The Saviour’s Kingdom come. To God be all the glory. This our endless story: To the peoples send, Praise the Father, Praise the Son of Father, Praise Spirit, world without end. Amen.

Thursday, 20 June 2024


These notes I sing, voice quivering, Arthritic fingers play, someone someday might like; That's as redemtion as calculation As whatever cost as Jesus blood lost: To save this mispent life, our needless strife, Our fallen race, with favour from His face. He atoned for our sin. God made the offerin'. Spirit come into our lives. Then this feelbe rises. When it's glory to the Father, honour to the Son, Praise to the Spirit, binds us as one, Builds a holy city, moving on the Way, Sends us to Heaven, our deliverance day. There we'll sing power, play forever. Dominion to the Three. How we're set free. Amen, amen, amen, amen!

Tuesday, 30 April 2024

When we don't

When we don't have the words to express your love When your ways are more than the stars above Give us a dream that won't be crushed Our restless spirits make them hushed Fill in our void with your grace That reaches us is as deap as space Encompass us the whole human race May we live again in the light of Jesus face

from last Mon.

This isn't the 7th day. It is Sun. This isn't a day for sports, shop. It is Sun.; a day of rest. You have to work. It isn't my fault. It is Sun,: I don't shop. And I don't want you working on my property. It is Sun. You have family coming over to yours. It is Sun. Get together with them at a place of Worship. You can't relax, recover? Try this Sun.!

Wednesday, 13 March 2024

from Chapel, Fri., 8th Mar. '24

We're all dreaming of being high and mighty. At some point we lose the vision of the Immaculate; We don't know the time we'll meet Lord Almighty: We ask what is the need of an apostulate? But one day we'll see the Maker and King In the sky: dead, living, sinner or saint; By and by we'll have to give a recogning. Poor will be exalted, strength bestowed on faint. But the high and mighty will be brought low. Or the rich and endowed will have far to go.

Thursday, 25 January 2024

Yesterday afternoon in the Chapel of Perpetual Adoration

Just Tired I feel spent Too many misspent or wasted years I'm tired Just tired of whatever Issues we're aware of Lord Some only You know about All you care about Some only You care about For You know me better than even I know myself Jesus knows best What is best for me Like a Dad is proud of His child And I am Your child Father I'm in love with Him Your Spirit strengthens me You lift me up to Your cheek It doesn't matter what I'm tired of For I'm not tired with You Though I may sometimes act that way When whatever gets the best of me I choose You You renew, restore and revive me You've this hope for the world, for Your Church, militant, suffering and triumphant Victory over issues, grief and complaints! We trust in God Deliverence is in our God alone We grow in Love God is Love We yield a harvest in time A harvest of love, developement, peace and justice We shall turn our lives around Turn our world around Souls turn to You And You meet our need We will want no more You are all we need All we ever wanted Our provider Forever Amen